FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

December 31, 2020

Yoo, I hope you’re having a great day…

Are you looking forward to the weekend?

Anyways my day has started with…

Mixed results.

First, I did my leg workout (I HATE leg day but I love getting a workout done)

Then I tried to shape up my moustache before having a bath…

I failed…miserably.

I ended up making it wonky – which I tried to fix…

I then gave myself a pencil moustache like John Waters…

It wasn’t pretty.

So, I had to shave it all off and now I look like a child…

YouTube might demonetize my videos because of COPPA now smh.

(Now I can’t do my photoshoot I planned for this weekend until my moustache grows back and I look like a manly man again)

Anyways, I just finished taking out the trash before sitting down to sip some coffee and write this email to you…

And that’s not a quirky way of saying that I cut some toxic people out of my life…I really took out the trash.

Not super exciting stuff but that’s life.

But, I do have some exciting news:

Today is my music day…

I’m officially going to be working on songs again!

Thank you for your enthusiasm but you really shouldn’t be cheering that loudly, people might give you weird looks…

Anyway, yesterday I edited 7 videos and today it’s time for me to have some fun…

I like to schedule my week so I have the boring unsexy work on one day and then the fun stuff on the next day.

(Do you wanna learn more about creating a schedule that keeps you productive AND happy? I may reveal my secrets soon…)

Now, If you’ve ever tried recording vocals to your beats then you know that trying to record vocals when you have a bunch of omnispheres (or other synths and vsts) open is a great way to force your computer to break down like an artist who’s just been told his latest song is wack…

But here’s the thing:

There’s a solution to this problem…

Of course you could create a new project and record your vocals over a bounced wav version of the beat…

But you already know that this doesn’t give you the freedom to edit your beat to fit your vocals…

This other method will give you the freedom you need…

Just click the link below to discover a way to:

Save CPU…

Save time…

And save your computer from struggling to keep up with your creativity…

All the best,

Jay “Back To Writing Songs” Cartere


Yesterday a dude I know messaged me asking for my “secret” that makes me so productive…

He also asked:

“Which drugs are you taking! Speed, coke, LSD?”

Now, let me state very clearly:

I don’t do hard drugs like that… never have, never will.


Not because I think drugs are bad…

(they can be bad, but what you take is YOUR business as long as you aint pissing me off or hurting anybody)

It’s because I’m scared af of drugs.

I once ate an edible while playing No Man’s Sky and I was CONVINCED that if I died in the game I would die in real life!

After that experience, my curiosity of other drugs died.

(coffee does help though)

But the thing that really keeps me super productive is my morning routine…

(and having clear goals that I’m excited about)

It helps me start the day with a burst of energy and the ability to get ANYTHING done…

Would that be something you’re interested in learning about?

Reply to this email and let me know…

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FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

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