FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

December 31, 2020

Being broke isn’t cool.

Trust me, I did it for years…

I grew up in poverty, I was never financially comfy.

My childhood was spend skimming through Argos catalogues, imagining playing with all the toys I would never get.

But, that’s not all:

I had to choose not to live like that anymore.

I had to sacrifice all the good times of today, for the great times of tomorrow…

I chose to build a life I WANT to live…

It wasn’t easy…

If I didn’t make that choice – I’d still be a starving artist…begging for support.

And, YOU can make that choice too.

You don’t have to be another starving artist, hoping you wake up with millions of fans overnight…

There are smarter, more realistic ways to make your dreams come true…

In fact:

You’ll discover the secret to making a living as a creator in the video linked below:

All the best,

Jay “Starving Ain’t My Style” Cartere


I recently uploaded a BUNCH of new beats if you need something for your next hit.

Click the link below to find something you’ll love:

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FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

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