Go from being ignored to growing your brand & attracting leads on Linkedin in 1 hour a month

Linkedin is the best platform for attracting B2B leads.

If you’re a SEO or marketing agency founder - you’re missing out on leads if you’re not posting on Linkedin.

Here’s why:

LinkedIn is 277% better at generating leads than FB and Twitter. 

65% of B2B companies have attracted customers through LinkedIn.

80% of B2B leads generated through social media come from LinkedIn.

The best marketers agree:

97% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn in their content marketing strategy.

77% of content marketers say LinkedIn gives them the best organic results.

The best part is:

99% of Linkedin users never post any content.

With over 1.6 billion users on Linkedin - this gives you a huge opportunity.

Because it’s easier for you to stand out on Linkedin than any other platform.

The problem is:

You haven’t figured out how to make Linkedin work for you.

You wanna grow your personal brand.

You wanna attract leads.

The bad news is:

  • You’re not attracting leads
  • You’re unsure what to post
  • Your posts are getting ignored
  • You’re getting low engagement

I’ve talked to founders with 10k+ followers getting:

  • 3 likes on their posts
  • Less than 100 impressions

And, the issue is:

Your content.

The worst part is…

If you don’t fix your content - you’ll get:

  • No trust
  • No leads
  • No impressions
  • No engagement

And, every time you publish a low-quality Linkedin post - you’re making it worse.

Because posting low-quality content hurts your brand more than posting no content.

There are 2 huge reasons why:

  1. Posting low-quality content makes you look bad
  2. Posting low-quality content makes the Linkedin algorithm limit your reach

And, if you’re considering using Ai to write your content - there’s more bad news.

Here's why:

Ai writing is clunky.

Ai writes like a robot.

Ai uses too many words.

Ai overcomplicates simple things.

Ai writing makes you blend in.

What does this mean for your Ai written content?

We can tell it's Ai.

And it makes you look bad...

Nothing makes you look less like a "thought leader" or "authority" than using Ai to write your content.


Ai removes your personality.

Ai removes your experience.

Ai removes your unique value.

Ai turns you into a commodity.

Who trusts a thought leader who never shares their thoughts?

How can you be an authority when we get the same content from chatGPT?

Here’s the solution:

How I gained 15x more LinkedIn impressions in 7 days

I’ve been creating content online since 2011.

At first:

- It was hard to create the right kinda content.

- It was hard to come up with content ideas.

- it was hard to write engaging content.

- It was hard to find the right format.

This led to:

- struggling to get views

- struggling to get engagement

- struggling to get leads & sales

- struggling to build an audience


- I’ve got too many content ideas to post.

- I know how to write engaging content.

- I know what kinda content to post.

- I know how to format my content.

(for more views, engagement & leads.)

And that’s not all…

I’ve grown an audience of 89,498 across:

get more followers on Linkedin with a linkedin ghostwriter

- YouTube

- Linkedin

- Twitter


- I’ve generated 150,226 impressions on Linkedin.

- I’ve generated 30.1 million views on YouTube.

- I’ve generated 407.4 million views on Twitter.

- I’ve generated thousands of leads & sales.

Linkedin ghostwriting prices and views

But, that’s not all:

I've been posting on Linkedin since Feb 19, 2024.

I've spent this time:

• Testing

• Adapting

• Perfecting

It was slow, steady growth - until something changed...

how to get more linkedin post impressions with a linkedin ghostwriter

I went from:

+ 5,604 post impressions



+ 91,914 post impressions (+1556.2%)

+ 539 followers (+261.7%)

In 7 days.

And the numbers are increasing…

How did I do it?

I got these result by using my years of experience in:

  • Copywriting
  • Content strategy

And the secret ingredient:


This 7 day transformation happened because of months of posting & testing.

This 7 day transformation happened because of my 13+ years of experience creating content.

The good news is…

You can use my expertise to grow your brand and business today…

When you hire me for Linkedin ghostwriting services:

  • You'll save tens of hours creating content
  • You’ll get access to my years of experience
  • You’ll attract leads excited to work with you
  • You’ll grow your personal brand and authority
  • You’ll publish high-quality content consistently
  • You’ll become a thought leader in your industry

I have over a decade of experience in SEO & content marketing.

I have 5+ years of experience in copywriting.

I'm the perfect Linkedin ghostwriter for you if you're a:

  • CXO
  • SEO agency founder
  • Marketing agency founder

I’ll turn:

- your stories

- your expertise

- your perspective

- your case studies

- your testimonials

Into attention-grabbing content that attracts leads and positions you as a thought leader in your industry.

And, that’s not all - when you hire me as a Linkedin ghostwriter:

  • You’ll save time (having more time to focus on your business)
  • You’ll grow your brand faster (by leaning on my years of experience)
  • You’ll work with a ghostwriter who focuses on turning views into leads

The difference between me and other Linkedin ghostwriters is this:

  • I understand the SEO and marketing industry (specialised knowledge = great content)
  • I write conversion-focused posts (I chase your business goals instead of chasing vanity)
  • I write all your content personally (I don’t copy & paste Ai slop, I don’t outsource your content to writers who hardly speak English)
  • I understand sales funnels, optimizing for conversion and turning traffic into cash (I'll help you reach the business goals you're after)
  • I have 13+ years of experience creating content, driving sales and writing online (I didn’t jump into ghostwriting as a “get-rich-quick-scheme”. I love copywriting & marketing)

My Linkedin ghostwriting service isn’t for you if:

  • You’re not willing to stay consistent for months.
  • You’re not willing to spend a few minutes engaging on Linkedin.
  • You’re not willing to give input, sharing your perspective & story.

The thing is:

I'll take care of all the heavy lifting.

I'll research your audience and write engaging, lead-generating linkedin posts.

All you have to do is:

  • Review the posts I write
  • Engage on Linkedin & convert your leads
  • Give me your expertise & input (in 2x 30 min calls per month or by sending voice notes and post notes over slack)

The pricing for my Linkedin ghostwriting services starts from £300 per month.

Is £300 worth thousands of impressions and hundreds of leads to you?

If all the above sounds good - I wanna work with you.

But first, I need to know more about your business and goals.

To do this, we’ll have a free strategy call together. 

Here’s what to do now:

  1. Click the button below
  2. Complete the form on the next page
  3. Keep an eye on your email for booking details

In this strategy call:

  • I’ll answer your questions
  • You’ll tell me about your story
  • You’ll tell me about your goals
  • You’ll tell me about your business
  • I’ll walk you through the ghostwriting process

You have 2 options:

1. Keep doing what you’ve been doing.

Keep getting the results you’ve been getting.


2. Take a different path.

Hire a Linkedin ghostwriter (me) who understands:

  • optimizing conversions
  • content marketing
  • online business
  • sales funnels
  • copywriting
  • SEO

Get better results, grow your brand, attract more leads.

It’s up to you…

Click the button below to start growing and attracting leads on Linkedin now:
