When you get your export settings wrong you’ll make a potentially great song sound like trash…
So, don’t do that okay?
Oh, you don’t know what export settings you should be using?
No problem, I got you.
Click the links below to discover the EXACT export settings you should be using for your music.
Pro Tip: If you’re uploading your music to streaming services etc. you need a WAV file.
You should always upload a WAV file whenever you can to wherever you’re uploading your song.
I only use MP3 files for personal previews…
The platform you’re uploading to will compress your music to a MP3 file…
So if you upload an MP3 file to begin with, your music is gonna sound worse than you expected.
Anyways, here are the links for this SUPER important export info:
Studio One Export Settings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxHhiuVA1gE&
FL Studio Export Settings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDaYTQTVA2c&
All the best,
What are you using to record your songs?
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