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April 11, 2023

Should you be bulking or cutting?

Most overcomplicate this…

Truth is:

2 simple questions make it easy to decide on bulking or cutting.

If you make the wrong choice…

If you bulk when you need cutting

If you cut when you need bulking


– Make no progress

– Look like crap

– Lose muscle

– Get fatter

Good news is:

These 2 simple questions make it easy to decide on bulking or cutting:

First question is:

1. Are you skinny?

Yes – bulk

No – move to question 2

Warning: Skinny fat is NOT skinny.

Skinny is rib cage showing, toothpick arms etc.

Skinny people have trouble gaining weight.

If this doesn’t sound like you – you’re not skinny.

Move to question 2:

2. Can you see abs?

Yes – bulk optional (bulking is mandatory for growth under 10% bf)

No – cut (no need for more fat)

This means any ab definition:

2 pack / 4 pack

You don’t need a 6 pack to answer “yes”

90% of people don’t need to bulk

Because this is truth about bulking:

You don’t need to bulk to build muscle.

If you have 15%+ body fat – bulking is useless.

Your body has enough fat already.

You can lose fat & build muscle at the same time – I didn’t bulk to reach my dream body.

I cut from 200lbs+ to about 175lbs while building muscle along the way.


If your body fat is too low (under 10%) – you need to bulk to build muscle.

Your body can’t build muscle if it’s using all your calories to survive.

Your body won’t build muscle if it thinks you’re starving.

The real reason for bulking is this:

Bulking is for adding fat.

If your body has enough fat – you can build muscle with a small surplus of 100 calories.

If your body has enough fat – you can build muscle in a deficit.

If your body is too lean – you need to bulk to add body fat.

Most important thing to remember:

2 simple questions make it easy to decide on bulking or cutting:

1. Are you skinny?

Yes – bulk

No – move to question 2

2. Can you see abs?

Yes – bulk optional

No – cut

Whether bulking or cutting you need a good workout program to build your dream body.

Losing fat without lifting weights makes you skinny or skinny fat at best.

Lifting close to failure with a good workout program gives you the aesthetic shape you’re after.

Use my workout programs for free:

You cant bulk or cut without this:

You need to understand and know your maintenence to bulk or cut effectively.

There are calculators online that help estimate your maintenence calories – but these are only starting points.

They’re not accurate enough to trust.

The only way to find your REAL maintenence number is to experiment on yourself like a lab rat.

The perfect experiment for finding your maintenence calories is explained on page 43 of my  Getting Lean  ebook.

Here’s the link:

All the best,


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