Create content using the secret tactics that bring me over 437.4+ million organic views online

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February 22, 2020

Do you wanna know something interesting?

Of course you do!

So, here it is:

Whenever you make a change in your life, you’ll find people to complain about it.

So, do what you WANT TO DO!

That’s right.

Competitive complainers STILL complain about me not playing ARK anymore…

And, I stopped making ARK videos over 8 months ago…

I also uploaded multiple videos explaining my reasons why I stopped playing ARK… and, I even created some text posts explaining why…

But, the thing is:

These complainers don’t want to know “why”…

They wont take the time to watch those videos or read those posts.

They don’t care about reason or logic…

They’re selfish AF…

They just want what THEY want…and they don’t care if I have to be miserable for that to happen…

But, I care.

I don’t wanna be a miserable, bitter bastard, living in a cloud of cheesy Dorito dust and pubic particles…

That’s NOT for me.

And, I will NEVER make myself miserable for the sake of pleasing competitive complainers.

That’s not all:

I spent YEARS grinding and scrounging to put myself in the position to wake up in the morning and do whatever the fxck I WANT…

Everything I do is part of a bigger picture that competitive complainers are blind to.

This is what it means to be a digital art dealer…

To follow your path and stay consistent…even when people don’t understand…

To focus on the amazing people who DO support what you’re doing and ARE interested in your journey…

To create products that solve problems and add value to people’s lives…

So, no, I WON’T be playing ARK on my channel…

I’m MUCH more excited to be making music and helping you do the same.

But, If you don’t care about making music, I’ll still share info that’s super useful to ANY type of creator…

For example:

I WON’T stop teaching you about marketing and online business, so you can build the life you LOVE.

No matter HOW MUCH the complainers complain.

And, if you ARE making music, you NEED quality production fammm…

That’s why I allow artists to have access to my ever-growing catalogue of FIRE BEATS…

I JUST uploaded 5 new beats yesterday…

Want a peak? Click the link below:

All the best,

Jay “Live For YOU” Cartere

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Create content using the secret tactics that bring me over 437.4+ million organic views online 

Join 2864+ founders & solopreneurs creating content that attracts leads while reading the Everything Is Marketing Newsletter.

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