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August 3, 2023

I used to have abs when I was young. I worked out a bit but I had no idea how or why I had abs.

Then I grew up, started making a little money, started eating a lot of crap and – you guessed it – no more abs.

In 2016, I decided I was gonna focus on getting fit again.

I started a 90 day program, did it for about 65 days then gave up.

In 2020, I was going through a breakup and I decided THIS was the time to get fit!

You can see my fitness progress in this short video:

This time I actually stayed consistent…

I learned how to eat better. I realised I was sabotaging myself in ways I couldn’t imagine…

For example: did you know that a tablespoon of oil is 120 calories?

Most of us throw oil into the pan without a second thought…thing is, you could’ve just added 500+ calories to your meal without even knowing!

I also learned how to lift weights with good form, how to build muscle while losing fat at the same time and how to create a workout plan.

Now I’ve got my dream physique and I’ve got my much-wanted abs.

Was it hard? Yes.

Can it be done in 90 days? No, not unless you’re already close to abs.

Did it take longer than I thought? Yes, way longer. However much you think you need to lose, you probably need to lose double that to get as ripped as you imagine.

Would I do it again? Yes, but I’d change a lot of things.

I wont get into all of that right now, but I’ll definitely give you some tips and hacks I’ve learned on my journey as well as update you with anything useful I learn in the future.

In future emails.

And everything you need to know to lose fat, get ripped and build a body you love will be included in the fitness guide I’m writing right now.

Watch my fitness progress video here:

I hope you have a great weekend!

All the best,

Jay “Finally Have Abs Again” Cartere

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FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

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