FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

August 14, 2023

Start your lifting journey the right way in 3 simple steps:

A big mistake beginners make in the gym is thinking that being in the gym leads to gaining muscle and losing fat

This is false

You’ll waste a lot of time and effort in the gym if you don’t know what you’re doing

Good news is, these 3 steps get you started on the right path:

1. Find a good, structured workout program

A good workout program:

  • hits all the major muscles
  • a mix of compound and isolation exercises
  • has at least 10 sets per muscle group per week
  • has simple, PROVEN exercises (not useless movements that look interesting on instagram)

Start using the same workout programs I use and never get embarrassed taking your shirt off again

Don’t waste time and effort doing the wrong exercises with the wrong plan



2. Finding the right weight

Start with a low weight

If the set is easy & you have perfect form – add more weight

Add more weight until the sets are difficult (hard to get the last few reps) but you’re maintaining good form


3. Progressive overload

This is the key to building muscle

You need to train harder in each session – where possible

Ways you can do this is:

– adding reps

– adding weight

– slowing down reps

Don’t miss this:

Always focus on having good form

Good form’s more important than a heavier weight

Bad form leads to injuries and takes the emphasis off the muscle you’re tryna train

Intro to weight lifting for beginners

1. Find a good, structured workout program

2. Finding the right weight

3. Progressive overload


Wanna build your dream body?

I’m taking on 2 creatives for fitness coaching this month.

  • Lose fat by eating more
  • Stop being hungry while losing fat
  • Create a diet you enjoy and stick to
  • Never get embarrassed taking your shirt off again
  • Get beach body lean using my 12 Lean Nutrition Laws

Ready to level up?

Send me a DM



All the best,


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FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

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