FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

August 7, 2023

How much protein, carbs and fats do you need per day?

The answer is simpler than you think…

Getting your macronutrients wrong leads to:

– low energy

– more hunger

– losing muscle

– being skinny fat

– feeling like crap

– low testosterone

Good news is:

You won’t have to worry about the above after reading this short email.

Basic macronutrient nutrition explained:

1. Protein – eat 1g per 1lb

If you’re at a healthy weight:

Eat 0.8 – 1g protein per 1lb of bodyweight for optimal growth.

If you’re fat:

Eat 0.8 – 1g protein per 1lb of your GOAL bodyweight.


You’re 250lbs & wanna get to 190lbs

Eat: 152 – 190g protein

Next is fats:

2. Fats – eat 40g minimum

Fats are needed for your hormone production.

If you eat less than 40g of fats – you’ll feel like crap.

Simple, right?

Carbs next:

3. Carbs – eat as many as you want

After you hit your protein & fat goals – the rest of your calories can come from carbs.

For energy: eat 50g+ of carbs before workouts.

Carbs give you energy – but you can live without them.

If you wanna feel fuller – eat more protein.


Basic macronutrient nutrition explained:

1. Protein – eat 1g per 1lb

2. Fats – eat 40g minimum

3. Carbs – eat as many as you want

Easy, right?

Wanna build your dream body?

I’m taking on 2 creatives for fitness coaching this month.

  • Lose fat by eating more
  • Stop being hungry while losing fat
  • Create a diet you enjoy and stick to
  • Never get embarrassed taking your shirt off again
  • Get beach body lean using my 12 Lean Nutrition Laws

Ready to level up?

Send me a DM



All the best,


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FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

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