FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

September 3, 2019

What do you wanna learn about email marketing? (reply to this email with your questions!)

 As a digital art dealer, you NEED to be building your email list… 

You KNOW social media isn’t something you OWN. 

You KNOW you don’t control your ability to contact your audience on these sites…

And, you KNOW you can be BANNED from these sites at ANY time!

Does that sound good to you??? 

Didn’t think so… 

Here’s the thing: 

I won’t have a convertkit account by the end of next month… 

I’m moving to activecampaign because the features are 🔥🔥🔥 

And it’s time for me to upgrade my system… 

But, I want to make as MANY videos as possible to walk you through the process of getting set up with convertkit…

Convertkit is super easy to set up and it’s the best platform for you to start (serious) email marketing with, imo. 

If you’re not serious…use Mailchimp you uncultured swineeeee 

But that’s beside the point… 

Reply to this email and tell me what you need to learn…

I know email marketing can seem a little confusing at first.

(it defo was to ME!)

I want to make sure I create the perfect set of videos to get you building your email list and taking OWNERSHIP of your audience. 

Trust me, if you don’t start building your email list NOW… you’ll regret it!​

If you STILL aren’t convinced that you NEED email marketing, then watch the video below…

Shit, even if you ARE convinced…watch the video below…

Missing out on this information will hurt you A LOT in the long run…

You don’t wanna build your future on a foundation of quicksand, do you?

Click the link below:

All the best,

Jay “Own Your Future” Cartere

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FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

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