FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

September 28, 2021

If you’re singing or rapping in 2020, you need to know how to create good vocal melodies.

I won’t bullshit you – it’s not easy.

You won’t start creating great melodies overnight…

It’s a skill that takes practice and work…

But, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a way to make it easier.

In fact, there’s a hack that artists like Tory Lanes, Pharrell and a bunch of others use…

And, you can use it too…

I’m gonna reveal ​exactly what it is, in this email.

Here’s the story:

In 2019, I returned to the music game…

But I was rusty…

After writing 5 new songs, writer’s block grabbed me tight and wouldn’t let go.

That’s when I decided to focus on getting great at music production…

It doesn’t end there:

When I was finally ready to write and record my comeback single – I did something different…

One day I was scrolling through YouTube and I saw a video with Tory Lanes explaining how he creates his vocal melodies…

I clicked on the video…

And, I realised that Tory Lanes was using the same hack I remember Pharrell revealing a few years ago…

If it’s good for Pharrell and Tory Lanes…

(and countless other major artists)

It’s good for me.

So, I tried this hack out for myself…

And, it worked.

You can hear the results in my single “Hill”…

But the best part is:

I created a video, explaining this hack and revealing exactly how I used it to create the vocal melodies for “Hill”.

So you can start using this hack and creating FIRE vocal melodies…

Click the link below and step up your vocal melody game today:

All the best,

Jay “Learn From The Best” Cartere

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FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

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