FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

December 31, 2020

​Yesterday was a loooong ass Monday for me…

I hope it was good for you.

You see, in addition to scheduling 5 videos to release on my YouTube channel this week…

(Daily content coming back soon? Maybe…)

I also had to create artwork and edit the info of all those beats I uploaded over the weekend…

Doesn’t sound too bad right?

Well, YOU try creating THIRTY pieces of artwork and see how it goes…

Go on, TRY it fam…

Mr “that sounds easy”…

Let’s see how you get on shall we?

And don’t forget to label and add the correct (specific) information for each beat!

No cutting corners!

It was DRAININGGGG but, the important thing is:

I got it done.

All of it.

And I’m happy af that it’s over with!

Now I have new beats being released until the 9th of February

It wasn’t fun but damn it was productive.

I worked my ass off and embraced the tedium…

And mark my words…all that unsexy work will pay off later this year.

Anyways, today I’m filming videos (fun stuff, yay!)…

And I only have 3 more beats to make until I’ve hit my 100 upload goal and can move onto writing songs again…

So the plan for today is to get 5 videos filmed and 3 beats produced…

(I actually filmed a vlog before writing this email to you – so I guess the goal is 6 videos if we’re being accurate)

Do you think I can do it?

You should know by now that my work ethic is pretty super-human…

(Imma treat myself to some mexican cuisine as well – I figure I deserve a lil treat after that mind-numbing admin session yesterday)

And, my super-human work ethic isn’t the only secret up my sleeves…

I’ve also got a foolproof melody producing HACK that I use to make FIRE ambient beats consistently…


Even if I’m not feeling creative…

If you’re a producer or an artist that wants to make his own beats…this hack will change your life!

And, because I’m a lovely dude that wants to see you succeed…

I’ve made a video that walks you through the EXACT step-by-step process I use…

All you gotta do is click the link below and soak up the knowledge (thank me later!):

All the best,

Jay “Super-Human Work Ethic” Cartere


Tomorrow I’ll reveal a way you can stop wasting time and memory in FL studio…

Be there or be rectangle!

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FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

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