Here's what others are saying about me:

Direct Response Copywriting, Funnel Building & Optimisation

Is your sales funnel losing leads like a leaky bucket?

You’ve built products and services that help people and change their lives for the better - but here's the hard truth:

Great products don't sell themselves – they need the magnetism of persuasive copy and a well-oiled sales funnel to pull customers in.

The longer you have mediocre copy and a weak sales funnel - the more money you're wasting on advertising because you're leaving sales on the table.

For example:

The average conversion rate online is 1 - 4%.

You buy advertising and send 100 visitors to your sales page.

1% of visitors buy your product.

You get 1 sale and need to spend more money on advertising to reach those 99 people again.

This sucks.

Here's what good copy and a well-crafted sales funnel does for you:

You buy advertising and send 100 visitors to your lead generation page.

30% of visitors sign up to your email list.

1 visitor buys your product on your thank you page.

Now - you have an extra 30 leads interested in your product that you can send emails and promote your products to - without spending another penny on ads.

I'll transform your sales funnel from a money wasting vacuum into the digital version of a red carpet, welcoming visitors with the promise of value they can't resist.

I'll write copy that captivates and convinces your target audience to take the action you want.

Sales pages, landing pages, product pages and more...

With my suite of sales funnel & copywriting services, you're crafting an engaging narrative that turns prospects into profits:

  • Sales Funnel Analysis & Conversion Optimisation: I don’t just find the leaks in your sales funnel. I seal those leaks with compelling copy & strategy that boosts conversions and maximises your ROI.
  • Sales Funnel Building Mastery: Imagine a sales funnel so effective it feels like it has a magnetic pull. That's what I create from the ground up. With a blend of psychological insights, market research, and a pinch of creative genius - I design funnels that turn cold traffic into superfans salivating to buy from you.From the awareness stage to the purchase decision - every step is carefully crafted to guide your prospects on a slippery slope towards conversion.
  • Sales Funnel Copywriting: Generate leads that are more than numbers. Attract prospects that are eager and ready to become your superfans.
  • Landing & Sales Page Copywriting: First impressions are everything online. I'll make sure your landing and sales pages are love at first click, marrying design and copy that converts on sight.
  • Email Copywriting: Don't let your emails gather digital dust in the spam folder. I’ll craft email sequences that make your audience open and take action.
  • Web Copywriting: Your website is your online storefront. I write the words that turn passing visitors into recurring customers.

By enlisting my services, you get a direct-response copywriter who:

  • Understands the psychology of sales and how to persuade with integrity.
  • Knows the ins and outs of digital marketing - ensuring your copy is both compelling and SEO-friendly.
  • Seamlessly blends the art of storytelling with the science of conversion metrics.

I don't write copy to appear clever or witty.

I use direct-response techniques to create copy that's clear, easy-to-understand and leads to conversions.

Click the button below to see how my copy makes a difference for your brand and business: 

Every copywriting and sales funnel project is different, but the process usually looks something like this:

  1. We’ll have a consultation call where you tell me everything you know about your sales funnel & target audience. Then I’ll ask questions to uncover hidden gems you didn’t even know were there.
  2. Then I'll analyse your current sales funnel and copy.
  3. Then I'll take all the info I've gathered and transform your sales funnel and/or copy so it resonates with your ideal customers.(Don't have a sales funnel yet? Don't worry. I'll create the perfect funnel for your audience and business goals from scratch.)
  4. We’ll discuss what you like, what you don’t, & why.
  5. I’ll polish your sales funnel and/or copy until it's perfect for you & your audience.

YouTube & Website SEO

Imagine your content reaching your ideal customer - but, not just that...

Imagine your content consistently converting views into leads & sales - while you sleep. 

The content you crafted years ago still finds new viewers, driving new sales because of the unstoppable force of well-executed SEO. 

That's not just a dream—that's the reality of skillful SEO that stands the test of time.

SEO is the difference between creating content that nobody sees and creating content that sells your products on auto-pilot.

With over 11 years of SEO expertise - I bring a proven track record of creating content that ranks high in search engines and drives traffic.

My approach is a mix of comprehensive keyword research and in-depth audience analysis - ensuring your content resonates with your customers and dominates search engine rankings.

The good news is - you can take advantage of my knowledge and experience with my SEO services:

  • In-Depth Keyword Research: Understand what your audience wants with targeted keyword research that gives them what they're searching for and drives them to your content.
  • Advanced Website SEO Analysis: Get the most out of your website with a thorough SEO audit that identifies the best opportunities to grow your organic traffic and how to fix any mistakes you're making.
  • Strategic YouTube SEO Analysis: Discover how to transform your YouTube channel into a magnet for viewers and subscribers using tailored SEO techniques for your channel.
  • Holistic Organic Search Strategy: Establish a commanding presence in organic search results with a bespoke strategy that blends SEO best practices with your unique brand voice.
  • Actionable Website SEO Content Strategy & Recommendations: Receive a detailed, step-by-step plan for creating SEO content that engages your audience and ranks on Google where your customers can find you.
  • Expert YouTube SEO Content Strategy & Recommendations: Receive a detailed, step-by-step plan for creating SEO content that engages your audience, increases viewer retention and ranks on YouTube where your customers can find you.

With my comprehensive suite of SEO services:

  • You'll create content that attracts and engages customers 24/7 - and keeps going years from now. 
  • You'll build your authority in your niche and trust with your audience.
  • You'll turn your website and YouTube channel into a digital sales team that never sleeps.

Click the button below to see examples of my SEO work:

Every SEO project is different, but the process usually looks something like this:

  1. We’ll have a consultation call to discuss your business, objectives, and target audience. 
  2. I’ll analyze your current SEO analytics and strategy. I'll tell you where you're doing well and what you're doing wrong. I'll also analyse your competitors so you can steal their best performing ideas or find an opportunity they're missing.
  3. I’ll identify the most relevant and high-value keywords for your business, products, and services.
  4. I’ll advise you how to optimize your current website content based on in-depth keyword research. 
  5. I’ll develop a monthly content plan that aligns with your business goals and targeted keywords. 
  6. I'll advise you how to execute your new SEO content plan to get more organic traffic to your content.

Branding Strategy

Are you launching a new brand and need a clear, compelling voice?

Is your existing brand not where you want it to be? 

Imagine your business not just reaching, but captivating your ideal customer.

Imagine your brand being so powerful that it stops people scrolling, commands attention and resonates with the hearts of your audience - turning them into loyal followers and customers.

The good news is:

I can help make that happen.

I help new digital product creators and established personal brands develop a strong brand that turns viewers into loyal customers.

When you sign up for my specialized brand development services - this is what you get:

  1. Comprehensive Brand Analysis: Without fully understanding your brand's relation to the marketplace - you're sailing blind in a sea of competition, risking obscurity.

    That's why I'll dive deep into the heart of your brand. Like Batman in detective mode - I'll uncover your brand's hidden strengths and reveal the areas screaming for improvement.

    Giving you the information you need to transform your brand into an authority your target audience trusts.
  2. Brand Voice Copywriting: An inconsistent brand voice makes audiences skeptical and untrusting.

    Your brand's voice is its most potent weapon. I'll forge it in the molten fires of creativity and strategy - making sure every word aligns with your identity and speaks to the soul of your audience. 

    Giving you everything you need to write copy that communicates your expertise and resonates with the customers you wanna reach.
  3. Strategic Brand Strategy & Identity: Without a clear brand identity, your digital products are virtually invisible in the crowded online marketplace.

    But that's not all:

    Without a clear brand strategy & identity - you lose credibility and money.

    People buy from brands they trust, know and resonate with.

    You're wasting money on low advertising conversion rates if your brand doesn't resonate with your audience.

    I'll help you by creating a compelling brand strategy and a captivating identity that sets you apart and resonates with your dream customers.

    I'll map out the path to dominating your niche and becoming a trusted, credible authority online. 

I'll help you build a brand that reaches and resonates with your audience - converting interest into loyalty and views into sales.

Click the button below to see examples of my branding work:

Every branding project is different, but the process usually looks something like this:

  1. We’ll have a phone call where you tell me everything you know about your brand. Then I’ll ask questions to uncover hidden gems you didn’t even know were there.
  2. I’ll take that info and transform it into a branding strategy & identity that resonates with your ideal customers.
  3. We’ll discuss what you like, what you don’t, & why.
  4. I’ll polish your brand until it hits just right.

Social Media

Struggling to create content that makes your customer stop scrolling and start buying? You're in the right place.

You pour your heart into your business, but capturing your dream customer's attention in the busy internet streets feels like an uphill battle.

Here's the challenge:

You're orchestrating a business symphony - time is your most precious commodity.

Enter my social media know-how.

My services aren't just about growth; they're about crafting a social identity that's a siren song to your ideal clients, boosting engagement, and elevating your brand above the digital noise.

Staying relevant on social media is more than a trend—it's the lifeline to your brand's future.

The solution?

My social media expertise makes sure your brand's voice resonates - forging a connection with your audience that's deep and enduring.

By choosing my bespoke social media services, you receive:

  • Tailored Social Analysis & Insight: Navigating social media without data is like setting sail without a compass. I'll provide a detailed report that's the GPS to your social strategy, pinpointing exactly where your brand can shine the brightest.
  • Authority-Amplifying Content Strategy: A scattered brand voice leads to a dead social media profile. I'll craft a content strategy that injects steroids into your authority - ensuring every post, tweet, and update is a step towards building thought leadership in your niche.

I'll help you build a social media presence that builds your authority and resonates with your audience - converting skeptics into fans.

Click the button below to see examples of my social media work:

Every social media project is different, but the process usually looks something like this:

  1. My process starts with a deep dive into your brand and your customers, and an analysis of the content you've already posted. 
  2. What resonates with your target audience?

    What do they like?

    What are they saying?

    Based on my research, I'll develop an understanding of your customers that informs and guides our social media strategy and channel-specific plans that'll give you the best results.
  3. Analysing your analytics - I'll give you a comprehensive report on what's working, what's not working and what you need to do next.

Work With Me.

Want my help growing your brand and getting inbound leads on auto-pilot?

Click the button below and tell me what you need

Here's what others are saying about me:

I would tell anyone who is wanting to make a living on youtube to get Jay's course.

The product I bought was the YouTube For Noobs course.

My main concern about buying this course was to see if it was legit. I have come across many who promise alot and never deliver upon that promise.

So far, I will say the course has helped on fine tuning a few things I knew about YouTube.

The thing that I learned that helped me the most was The SEO and marketing.

The main problem was for me was getting views but thanks to this course it has helped in focusing what I need to look for. I am still testing a few things but so far I am impressed with the teachings.

I will say this course helps in knowing what you should aim for and look for in regards to being a YouTuber.

Another benefit of the course is it helps you understand the expectations upon being a YouTuber and last but not least, it makes it all understandable.

Alot of people who want to be youtubers will go all over for help and be hit with jargon, but this course simple to follow.

I would recommend this course to other gaming YouTubers.

It has helped me and I will say I know I have not finished testing a few other things of the course.

But I have been able to rank better and get more views.

I would tell anyone who is wanting to make a living on youtube to get Jay's course.

I like the pacing, I like the lessons and I like the extras you get with the course.

If I was to add something it would be a module on presentation and structure of editing on a youtube video. A break down on when to market in a YouTube video then on what to say at strategic times to keep retention. Be it B-roll or you say/do something to grab them back.

This would be more of a watch time module added in with editing.

Robert Cowley

Jay's YouTube course provides eternal value for all creatives that want to build a following online and bring in views, subscribers, and money FOREVER!

I bought Jay's YouTube For Noobs course.

My main concern about buying this product was the quality and value I'd be getting for the money I was paying.

Because there's tons of courses sold online that sometimes aren't the best. However as you'll later see in this review, it was completely worth every penny!

The product has helped me delve deep into improving my YouTube skills, growing my channel and finding out about numerous gems that you would otherwise have to work on YouTube for years to find out about.

This course provides eternal value for all creatives that want to build a following online and bring in views, subscribers, and money FOREVER!

I HIGHLY recommend buying this course as the benefits you get from it are simply out of this world for the price charged.

The thing I learned that helped me the most was the importance of building your own brand and identity online. This will help you build a community that will support your works and allow you to sell products to your audience.

1) You'll undergo a massive mindset shift that will let you move away from constantly obsessing over how many views and subscribers you're getting and help you focus on putting in the work to improve on YouTube as well as help you see the bigger picture.

2) The course will teach you how to properly promote your videos using social media instead of doing sub4sub and begging people to watch your videos

3) You'll find out how to make more money with your YouTube channel

I would 100% recommend this product to anybody who wants to build their own channel or business from the ground up on YouTube.

The course holds so much value that you simply wouldn't get anywhere else. Nothing in the course is sugar-coated, so you'll be able to find out how everything is really like on YouTube and the steps you need to be taking to make a living on YouTube without becoming famous.


In as little as 2 days, I have started seeing results from following the action plan that Jay designed for my channel.

The advice and action plan that I received from Jay Cartere is invaluable.

My coaching session was such an eye opening experience on how to grow my YouTube channel because Jay has a way of explaining complex information in a concise, meaningful, easy-to-understand way.

In as little as 2 days, I have started seeing results from following the action plan that Jay designed for my channel.

I highly recommend his services.

Adrienne Elle

Work With Me.

Want my help growing your brand and getting inbound leads on auto-pilot?

Click the button below and tell me what you need
