FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

March 18, 2022

You can get your new spotify-ready vocal mixing template for half price until Monday…

Don’t miss your chance to save money AND get your vocals clean AF so your songs are spotify-ready…

Here’s the link:​

But, what do you do after you’ve recorded your song and its ready for spotify?

What’s the next step before release?

You gotta export your song!

And you better make sure you export your song with the correct settings…

You don’t want to export your song and make it sound worse, right?

Click the video link below to discover the BEST settings for exporting your song…

You’ll see exactly how to turn your new single into a WAV and MP3 format so the world can listen!

Sound good?

Click here now:

All the best,

Jay ” Recording My Production Course” Cartere

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FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

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