FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

March 16, 2022

​Every time I hold a vote, most of my audience say the thing they want to learn about the most is songwriting…

So, I’m gonna give you what you want.

Writing songs that people actually want to listen to is harder than it looks.

A good songwriter makes the process seem easy…

Good songwriting tools makes the process become easier…

Do you want some great songwriting tools to add to your armory?

Of course you do…

If you keep reading, I’m gonna reveal 4 of my MAJOR songwriting secrets…

These secrets will give you the keys to:

  • Make your lyrics make sense, even if you freestyle every line
  • Stop your songs being boring so people don’t stop listening halfway through
  • Make your lyrics fit to the beat, smoothly
  • Make people feel something when they listen to your songs
  • Keep listeners engaged all the way through your songs

And more…

All you have to do is click the video link below and watch:

All the best,

Jay “Songwriter” Cartere

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FREE: Never run out of content with these 74 Linkedin post ideas & hooks

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