Get your dream body using a customised training program from an experienced fitness coach

I'll handle the planning and the complicated stuff.

You'll follow my instructions and never get embarrassed taking your shirt off again.

Here's what you get with this coaching program:

  • End of month accountability calls
  • Custom meal plan with recipes & weekly shopping list
  • Custom training program for your goals
  • Custom calorie + macronutrient targets
  • Getting Lean Ebook (12 nutritional laws for healthy eating included)

  • Introductory call with Jay
  • Daily instant messaging support with Jay
  • Weekly check-in + accountability report
  • Exercise form correction via video

  • iOS /Android app with training programs & MyFitnessPal integration

  • End of package review call with Jay

Here’s how you get started:

  1. Enter your details using the secure form on this page
  2. Then click the button below to start working with me
  3. Complete the questionnaire on the next page and I'll email you to schedule our introductory call

Billing details

Additional information

Your order

Product Subtotal
Coaching: The Buddy System (90 days)  × 1
( $490.00 )

First Renewal On: October 25, 2024

Subtotal $490.00
Total $490.00
  • Pay with your credit card via Stripe.
