Lose 20lbs In 10 Weeks & Get The Body You're Dreaming Of

97% of diets fail but, if you're reading this page - you can start building your dream body and join the 3% today.

Discover the secrets to losing fat, staying lean and building muscle (without suffering) using my:

  • 12 Lean Nutrition Laws keeping me lean without suffering 
  • 8 Iron Rules for building the perfect workout program for your body
  • [Bonus] 2 workout programs I use to build my dream body (Value: $60)

Here's the truth...

Your genetics aren’t making you fat.

The lies they’re feeding you are making you fat.

Studies show that:

  • 97% of diets fail
  • 91.1% of US residents don’t lift weights
  • 72.7% of US adults are overweight or obese

Big business makes money keeping you fat, tired and unfulfilled.

  • In the 1960s, the Sugar Research Foundation funded research that lied about the risks of sugar and blamed it all on fat instead
  • Between 2008 and 2015, Coca Cola gave nearly $4 million in funding for GEBN (A US-based nonprofit researching causes of obesity.)

    - Critics accuse Coke of paying GEBN to downplay how sugary drinks contribute to obesity, especially in children.

They only care about your money.

They don't care about your health.

Here are the facts...

There are 2 reasons why you gain fat:

  • You’re eating (or drinking) too many calories
  • You’re not moving enough

Here’s the formula to losing fat:

  • Start sleeping 8 hours nightly
  • Start lifting weights 4x a week
  • Start walking 10k+ steps per day
  • Start eating at a 500 calorie deficit
  • Start drinking 4 litres of water daily
  • Start eating a diet of 80% unprocessed foods
  • Start eating a high protein diet (1g per 1lb of of your body weight)

It’s simple.

But, hard to do.

You already know what happens if you don’t make a change:

You keep gaining weight, keep suffering, keep being at high risk for diseases…

Until you die an early death.

Morbid, I know. 

But, the harsh truth is better than unhealthy lies.

The good news is:

I can help you make the fat loss and muscle building process suffering-free, sustainable and easier

Like I did for myself:

Why should you listen to me?

Hey, I'm Jay.

I help skinny-fat dudes take their health into their own hands, look amazing naked and build a life they love.

I'm the guy they come to when they wanna go from soft, self-conscious & always-tired to ripped, confident and full of energy. 

No abs in 30 days lies. No unsustainable diets. No unhealthy shortcuts making you hate your life and gain all the weight back.

Real transformations take real work and real time.

I help them transform their diet, train effectively and think outside the box so they can lose fat, gain muscle and develop their business from home.

As a creative with a passion for health & fitness, I've transformed my body from lean to average, average to skinny-fat and skinny-fat to lean.

I've spent 16+ years studying nutrition, training science and human psychology.

I've spent 16+ years messing up, testing, figuring stuff out and learning what works.

This led to me developing effective systems for losing fat, gaining muscle and taking your health into your own  hands.

I don't usually say this, but:

It's not your fault

We were taught:

  • Eating a high carbohydrate diet is healthy (bread, pasta, cereal & rice)
  • Getting your dream body means dedicating your life to the gym
  • Sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day is productive
  • Eating processed foods makes you happy
  • Lifting weights makes you bulky

Here’s why that sabotages you:

  • The food pyramid was a scam.

    You need a high protein diet, you don’t need a high carb diet.

    A high carb, low protein diet makes you skinny fat at best - obese fat at worst.

    Start focusing on protein, eating at least 40g of fats (for hormone production) and eating enough carbs (for energy) to fuel your training.
  • Getting your dream body is a matter of discipline, consistency and effective programming.

    You can have your dream body by:

    - Lifting for about 1hr 15mins, 4x a week

    - Eating well 80% of the time

    - Eating whatever you want on the weekend

    - Walking 10k steps most days

    You don’t have to be extreme to get the body you want.
  • Sitting for 8 hours a day is a productive strategy for getting fat.

    Sitting for 8 hours a day is a productive strategy for getting back problems.

    Sitting for 8 hours a day is a productive strategy for wasting precious fat burning potential.

    Wanna know how I burn over 1,064 calories a day without intense cardio?

    Keep reading...
  • Processed foods cause depression, cancer and obesity.

    The smiling children in fast food adverts are masking the sinister truth hidden underneath.
  • Lifting weights doesn’t make you bulky.

    Eating too many calories makes you bulky.

    Lifting weights shapes your body into an aesthetic figure.

    Building a large amount of muscle doesn’t happen by accident.

    Building a lot of muscle takes hard work, dedication and YEARS.

    The bad news is: After a year or 2 of lifting, you’ll wish lifting weights DID make you bulky.

If you’ve been struggling with:

  • Building muscle at home
  • Sticking to a diet without suffering
  • Losing fat and getting lean at home

Then, the good news is:

I can help you solve your problems.

This is

My Story

fat loss laws

As a kid I was chubby.

As a teenager I got lean by accident.

In my 20s, I started gaining weight.

I didn’t notice it happening.

I had no idea about nutrition - so my diet was trash.

I had no idea about burning calories - so I didn’t do any cardio.

I stopped training for years - so I lost my muscle and wasn’t building any more.

From about 2014 - 2018, my body was fat and mediocre.

Seeing 205.4lbs on the scales after feasting over Christmas made me realize I needed to change.

I tried a 90 day workout program called UFC Fit. (I was super into UFC at the time)

I fell off after 2 months.

This cycle kept repeating itself.

I injured my upper back - that made me even less motivated.

But, then I got serious.

After a deadly case of heartbreak, I looked up to see someone kicking me while I was down:

My brother bluntly told me I was getting fat - and the harsh truth got to me.

First, I was defensive.

Then, I was angry.

Finally, I was motivated.

Energized by heartbreak and the need to prove my brother wrong - I did something crazy:

I lost 38lbs of fat.

I built 11 lbs of muscle.

I got the body I always dreamed of having.

And, I did it all from home.

While eating pizza and playing xbox.

Through my journey, I discovered:

  • The secrets of losing fat and getting lean at home
  • 8 Iron Rules for building the perfect workout program for your body
  • 12 Lean Nutrition Laws that keep me lean without suffering (after enduring a lot of suffering for the sake of research)

You get access to all this and more in my book, "Getting Lean", but I gotta warn you:


Following the information in this book will lead to strangers online accusing you of using PEDs / Steroids:

To be clear: I do NOT and NEVER have taken any steroids.

I am 100% natural.

I'm too scared of the side-effects tbh.

Being accused of using steroids is a massive compliment -  it means the angry person accusing you thinks you have an amazing body.

Start getting ready for the bombardment of compliments coming your way...

Stop yourself gaining 1 more 1lb. Start destroying belly fat, building muscle and taking your health into your own hands.

Do you wanna:

Have your ex drooling over your new body and regretting their decisions?

Get the body you’re dreaming of - stop avoiding the mirror and the scales?

Start looking amazing naked?

You do?

Well, let’s make it happen.

You can go from fat to fit like I did. 

My book "Getting Lean" helps speed up your fat loss and reduce your suffering using the lessons I spent years researching and experimenting on myself to learn.

We all know being fit and healthy makes every part of our lives better.

Create a better life by taking care of your health and fitness, today.

Here’s what you get:

  • The secrets to sustainable fat loss without suffering
  • Lose 20lbs in 10 weeks using my 12 Lean Nutrition Laws
  • The essential stuff you need for building your home gym
  • My “Classic Greek God” and “Trap God” home workout plans
  • The truth about the wacky exercises you see on social media
  • Should you bulk or cut? (The answer’s the same for 90% of people.)
  • The “caveman method” for creating a diet you enjoy and stick with
  • Why 97% of diets fail (and how you can avoid the same fatal mistakes)
  • 8 Iron Rules for building the perfect workout program for your body
  • How to know if you’re making good progress and how to keep advancing
  • The cardio cheat codes I use to burn 1047+ calories a day with little effort
  • How to eliminate the barriers stopping you from staying consistent in the gym
  • How many calories do you need to lose fat? How many calories do you need to gain muscle? (Hint: There’s only one way to find out.)
  • Why following the food pyramid makes you fat (discover what you should be eating instead)

This comes in your:

  • 82 page, no-bs, no fluff, easy-to-read ebook [PDF Format]
  • The 2 workout programs I used to build my dream body [included in the ebook and as a separate PDF download]

Here’s how you get started:

  1. Click on the big black button below
  2. Enter your details on the next page
  3. Start losing fat and building muscle without suffering

Getting Lean:

No-bs guide reveals the truth about losing fat, building muscle and creating your dream body.

Discover the secrets to losing fat, staying lean and building muscle (without suffering) using my:

  • 12 Lean Nutrition Laws keeping me lean without suffering
  • 8 Iron Rules for building the perfect workout program for your body
  • [Bonus] 2 workout programs I use to build my dream body (Value: $60)
lose fat, build muscle, getting your dream body

This price will go up.

Act now to buy this book at the lowest price

This book is for you if:

  • You’re struggling to dispose of your belly fat, love handles and fat in other stubborn areas - making you feel insecure
  • When you lose weight, you’re struggling to keep it off
  • You’re exhausted with starting diets, binging, promising to get back on track but never sticking to it
  • Getting to the gym is a barrier stopping you, you wanna workout from home and be certain you’re doing the stuff that works
  • You’re struggling to find a diet that works for you and your body
  • Staying motivated and consistent with your training and diet seems impossible
  • You accept there’s no quick & easy fix. (You didn’t gain all your weight in 30 days - you won’t lose all your weight in 30 days.)
  • You don’t wanna continue down the road you’ve been travelling. You’re ready to change your health and your life for good
  • You’re feeling overwhelmed by all the confusing information online
  • You’ve been training for a while but you’re not getting stronger or bigger
  • You need a way to fit training and dieting into your busy lifestyle
  • This book is not for you if:

  • You want a quick fix
  • You can’t read at a grade 5 level
  • You’re not willing to put the work in
  • You think losing weight is fatphobic
  • You enjoy wearing green clothes (sorry, that’s just gross)
  • You prefer hearing lies that make you feel good instead of harsh truths
  • [BONUS] Avoid spinning your wheels in the gym (not building muscle & strength) by using these 2 workout programs (Value: $60)

    This is the workout program I started with when getting serious.

    This is the workout program I'm using right now.

    What do you get?

    • The perfect weightlifting programs for building muscle and losing fast consistently (without overtraining or getting super hungry)
    • Build a balanced, aesthetic body at home with my "Classic Greek God" workout program
    • Build impressive traps, sculp your aesthetic body and explode with confidence when you follow my "Trap God" workout program (at home)
    • Never need another workout program. These plans don't stop after 90 days or 12 weeks. You can keep using them FOREVER

    It's your turn to transform your body, health and life

    You got a choice to make.

    There are 2 paths in front of you.

    One leads to the road you’ve been travelling on…

    Are you gonna leave this page and go back to the life you’ve been living?

    Are you gonna go back to eating a diet you hate and struggling to lose fat?

    Are you gonna go back to being scared of looking at the number on the scales because you don’t like what it says?

    Are you gonna give up on your dream body for good?

    The other path leads to the road I’m walking down with you.

    The road to building your dream body.

    The road to eating food you love and losing fat.

    The road to being confident how you look naked.

    Make the right choice.

    Here’s what to do now:

    1. Click on the big black button below
    2. Enter your details on the next page
    3. Start losing fat and building muscle without suffering

    Getting Lean:

    No-bs guide reveals the truth about losing fat, building muscle and creating your dream body.

    Discover the secrets to losing fat, staying lean and building muscle (without suffering) using my:

    • 12 Lean Nutrition Laws keeping me lean without suffering
    • 8 Iron Rules for building the perfect workout program for your body
    • [Bonus] 2 workout programs I use to build my dream body (Value: $60)
    lose fat, build muscle, getting your dream body

    This price will go up.

    Act now to buy this book at the lowest price


    How many workouts do I need to do?

    You'll be training 4 times per week, that's it!

    Walking on rest days will speed up your progress, if you have the time. 

    Above all: get out, get active and begin enjoying your life with your newfound health and freedom.

    Both workout programs come in an easy-to-read PDF format.

    What if I’m a beginner?

    When I started writing "Getting Lean" I was writing it for beginners like you.

    I was writing to my past self. Getting Lean contains all the stuff I WISH I knew when I was starting out.

    Inside, you’ll learn everything you need to know about muscle building & fat loss in easy-to-understand, simple writing.

    And, learning the advanced stuff is easy because it’s all explained in a clear, simple, easy-to-understand way- with examples and straightforward instructions..

    Do i need access to a gym?

    No. Building a home gym with a bench, barbell and / or dumbbells is all you need to start.

    Everything exercise in my workout programs is done with free weights - so you won’t need to buy any expensive machines.

    But, you can go to a gym if you prefer.

    How long will it take to get my dream body?

    The answer depends on where you’re starting and where you’re aiming to go.

    If you’re completely new to training, you’ll start seeing a difference in a few weeks.

    In 3 months, you’ll see a huge difference!

    You’ll be slicing away body fat, packing on muscle and looking better than ever in all your favourite clothes.

    Don’t forget to take pictures to judge your progress and impress your friends and family with your results.

    After a year or two - people you haven’t seen in a while will be struggling to recognise you.

    Warning: Building your dream body is a process. 

    You can’t starve yourself to a lean and chiseled body. 

    You gotta follow the sustainable, effective advice in "Getting Lean" to cut fat, get stronger and feel your best.

    Does this book come with meal plans?

    This book is designed to give you freedom while dieting.

    Meal plans don’t allow that.

    I’m giving you the tools to calculate the daily amount of calories, protein, carbs, and fats that you need in your diet to reach your goals

    You can reach your goals while eating delicious foods. 

    This makes getting your dream body easier than ever before.

    Use the 12 lean nutrition laws to get lean and STAY lean without suffering.

    Do you offer refunds?


    There are no refunds on this product. No exceptions.


    1) Personal responsibility is a big must. Don’t buy and back out cos you don’t wanna put in the work.

    2) It’s a digital product. You can't return an Ebook. Meaning if I refund your purchase - you'll be stealing the book from me.

    I don't like getting robbed.

    I have full confidence that everything in this book is accurate to what is promised on this page.

    Everything inside - the information, tools, programs and more - is exactly what I used to build my dream body.

    You've already seen my results and seen what the info in the book can do.

    Right now, I'm wishing I could go back in time and give myself this book when I was getting started...

    It would've saved me so much time and suffering.

    But, the next best thing is passing the knowledge onto you and making your journey easier.
