Discover The secrets to Mastering Your Fitness, Creative Career & Self-Development with my digital Art Dealer Newsletter
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Inside this FREE newsletter you'll discover:
Join 2096+ creators building their dream life & body while reading the Digital Art Dealers Newsletter.
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Who am I?:
Hey, I'm Jay.
I help creatives take their health into their own hands, look amazing naked and build a life they love.
I'm the guy creatives come to when they wanna go from soft, self-conscious & always-tired to ripped, confident and full of energy.
No abs in 30 days lies. No unsustainable diets. No unhealthy shortcuts making you hate your life and gain all the weight back.
Over the years, while studying human psychology, marketing, creativity and fitness, I've found one thing stays true in every aspect of life:
Real transformations take real work and real time.
I help creatives transform their diet, train effectively and think outside the box so they can lose fat, gain muscle and develop their business from home.
As a creative with a passion for health & fitness, I've transformed my body from lean to average, average to fat, fat to ripped.
My YouTube channel has 68.4k subscribers.
I recently started focusing on Twitter marketing.
As of writing this (2/24/23), this is how much I've grown on Twitter in the last 28 days:
+ 104.8 million impressions
+ 18.9k link clicks
I've spent years studying and testing different styles of nutrition and training, I'm always evolving and learning new things.
In the newsletter, I'm sharing my experiences, my knowledge and what I'm currently learning.
Here's how to join:
Click the big red button on this page to join this FREE Digital Art Dealer newsletter.
You've got nothing to lose - it's free.
I look forward to seeing you take control of your health and your future!
Join 2096+ creators building their dream life & body while reading the Digital Art Dealers Newsletter.
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As Seen In:
Copyright 2025, Jay Cartere