Create content using the secret tactics that bring me over 437.4+ million organic views online

Join 2864+ founders & solopreneurs creating content that attracts leads while reading the Everything Is Marketing Newsletter.

March 31, 2020

​Over the past 2 days I’ve discovered something life-changing. And, I’ll tell you about it in a minute…

But, first:

Do you know why most musicians are starving artists?

Why they’re usually stuck in soul-crushing jobs that leave them unfulfilled?

It’s not because they’re WACK…. even wack stuff can sell (People VOLUNTARILY buy Yeezys for pete’s sake).

It’s not because “people don’t buy music”… there are more ways to make a living than just selling songs.

It’s not because they haven’t blown up…you can make a comfortable living WITHOUT having millions of fans.

Here’s why:

Most musicians (and creatives/artists) are absolutely SHIT at marketing!

And, if people don’t KNOW about your music or WHY it’s important to THEM…

Then, welcome to the miserable life of a starving artist…

You can keep dodging the marketing aspect of your BUSINESS (that’s right, you are a small business) but you’ll just end up being another competitive complainer, moaning about how you don’t get enough “support”…

Do you want to be 47 years old, at a boring-ass job drinking your morning coffee, looking back on the life you COULD have lived?

Filled with bitter resentment because of the choices YOU made?

Nah, I didn’t think so.

It’s time to fix up fam.

Here’s what I realised earlier this week:

I absolutely LOVE marketing…

So much so that it actually gives me insomnia!

Whenever I’m focused on marketing, my brain starts moving at a rapid pace and I cant stop it.

I JUMPED out of bed this morning because I was so excited to get back to work!

I love exploring the psychology behind marketing…

I love testing new funnels and theories…

And, I LOVE teaching this stuff to other musicians and creative people…

But the truth is:

When I create videos on marketing for creatives or how to make more money as a creative…

Those videos perform POORLY.

Cos most people just can’t be bothered to learn this stuff…

And, that’s what separates the starving artists from the digital art dealers that live comfortably making money doing what they love.

Now, because these videos aren’t getting the love they deserve – I’m not going to focus on making them anymore.

If I’m totally wrong because you LOVE this kind of content and want to see more – reply to this email and TELL ME!

Otherwise, it’s curtains for those videos…

I’ve already created over 167 FREE videos on YouTube marketing so I think I’ve done my job tbh…

I reveal a BUNCH of game-changing secrets in those videos…you should check them out if you’re the type of go-getter artist I want to help.

If you want people to know your music exists…

If you want people to care about your art…

If you want to make a living doing what you love…

It starts with marketing…

Click the link down below to be taken to my YouTube guide playlist…

But, don’t forget to REPLY to this email and tell me if you want more content like this…otherwise Imma just focus on my music stuff completely…

Go here:

All the best,

Jay “Marketing Makes Money” Cartere

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Create content using the secret tactics that bring me over 437.4+ million organic views online 

Join 2864+ founders & solopreneurs creating content that attracts leads while reading the Everything Is Marketing Newsletter.

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